New Breed of Credit Card Machines

The credit card has been with us now for some time, and for many people, it is the preferred method of payment. If not a credit card, then a debit card, for plastic payments really has taken over our lives. The convenience of paying by card cannot be understated, and it remains a fact that most people now carry at least one credit or debit card with them. Furthermore, there is proof from research that people are likely to spend more in a retail environment when paying by card, so if you are not currently taking card payments – whatever your business maybe – you are missing out on potential extra income.

Even if you do currently take card payments, you may not have the most up-to-date and efficient method in place. For example, have you heard about the new breed of cell phone credit card machines that are making things much easier for small retailers and other businesses? It’s also of great benefit to tradesmen who take payments on the move, so what is it all about? One of the leading systems is called SmartSwipe, and it is among the most efficient POS solutions of all.



About SmartSwipe

The SmartSwipe system uses a small device that effectively turns your cell phone or tablet into a payment console; it’s very simple, and you can take payments wherever you are. So, if you have done a job at someone’s house, you can take the payment by card there and then, without the need for a bulky terminal – just your regular phone. It’s been designed and devised by Merchant Account Solutions, a leading name in the world of POS solutions, credit card terminals, and management software packages, and they have a reputation for excellent service and sensible transaction rates.

You can also use SmartSwipe for a range of other functions, including inventory recording, order receipt, taking bookings, scheduling, and more, and this multi-function system is already proven with many satisfied users, so you know you are getting a device that is reliable and efficient. It makes a lot of sense if you run a restaurant, for example, as you can take payments at the table, and the system also allows for the inclusion of tips and other gratuities, so is fully functioning wherever it is used.

Merchant Account Solutions

With many satisfied clients in the field of POS and credit card readers – as well as in software and other areas – are the people to go to for the very latest solutions and will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have. The friendly and helpful team, who have a wealth of expertise, will be able to talk to you about the best solutions for you, so if you want to know more about the SmartSwipe system, or any of the other solutions on offer, contact them right away, and see how they can help you improve your service.

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