A Solution For Low Water Pressure

If you are currently facing issues with low water pressure in your home, it’s important to understand the potential causes behind this inconvenience. In the following article, we will not only identify some of the common issues involved in low water pressure but also provide you with detailed insights on how to correct this problem effectively. By implementing the suggested solutions, you’ll be able to improve the level of water pressure in your house, ensuring a hassle-free water flow for your everyday needs.
Low water pressure from a sink

Analyse What Could Be Causing Low Water Pressure

Although most low water pressure problems are caused by and related to pipes that are clogged.  However, if you have recently had clogged pipes replaced then you will need to dig a little deeper to find the root of the problem.  Start with the most obvious things first and ensure that the shutoff valves that are nearest to your water meter are fully opened.  This may sound very simple and basic, but plumbers will also charge you the cost of a callout, even if the solution is just turning a valve.  Once you have checked the shutoff valves, now check the water pressure.  It is a good idea if your home is connected to the main water supply for your city you phone the water department and ask them for a water pressure reading.  The ideal water pressure should be something in the region of 45 to 55 psi.

If you would prefer not to call the water department, you could use a pressure gauge to test the levels.  These can be picked up relatively easily from most good DIY and homeware stores.  Simply, connect the gauge to a water spigot inside your home and then turn the water on.  You will get an instant reading on the gauge.  If the pressure level is low, it may be that your city is delivering water at a low-pressure level.  If you feel that your city’s water department is not going to increase the water pressure level, you may have to increase the pressure with a booster pump.

A booster pump can be a valuable tool to increase water pressure levels in your home. By utilizing this device, you can ensure an optimal and consistent water flow experience throughout your household. The beauty of booster pumps lies in their simplicity and user-friendly design. Equipped with a convenient pressure adjustment dial located on top, you can easily fine-tune and customize the pressure level that suits your specific needs. For ideal performance, it is recommended to maintain your home’s water pressure within the range of 45 to 55 psi, providing you with a perfect balance of functionality and comfort.

However, if your home’s water pressure reading was fine, the problem could be that there are pipes that are much smaller than they should be or there is something obstructing the water flow in the pipes.  It is recommended that unless you are a qualified plumber, you should hire an expert to help evaluate and analyze your system to see what the next course of action should be.  Obviously,  when hiring a plumber you should shop around and as well as get quotes before deciding to hire a particular tradesman, you should also look for reviews and testimonials of previous customers who have had experiences with their services.

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