Can puppies go to doggy daycare?

Can puppies go to doggy daycare?

Puppies are undoubtedly adorable and loads of fun, but they can also be quite a handful. They require lots of attention, exercise, and socialization to develop into well-behaved adult dogs. For pet owners who work long hours or have other obligations, sending their puppies to doggy daycare can be a great option. But is it safe for puppies to attend doggy daycare?

It’s important to note that not all doggy daycares accept puppies. Some facilities have age requirements, typically between 12 and 16 weeks, while others will take puppies as young as eight weeks. It’s essential to do your research and find a daycare that is appropriate for your puppy’s age and size.

Assuming you’ve found a daycare that accepts puppies, the next question is whether it’s safe for them to attend.

A woman plays with a dog in her living room.

Choosing the Right Daycare for Your Puppy

If you’re selecting a daycare for your puppy, ensure it has a designated area for young pups separated from adult dogs. Because puppies can get easily intimidated by larger and more active dogs, keeping them separate is best. Furthermore, the puppy zone should be sanitary, well-maintained, and contain potential dangers.

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It is equally significant to confirm that the daycare staff are qualified and experienced in caring for puppies. They should know how to socialize and engage with young pups appropriately, as well as keep an eye on them for symptoms of diseases or injuries. Shaggy Hound suggests that you search for a daycare center that employs pet handlers with qualifications in dog training or veterinary medicine. Additionally, you should make sure to ask about the facility’s cleaning procedures and precautions taken for diseases.

Finally, it is important to select a daycare center that offers ample opportunities for play and relaxation. The staff should provide plenty of toys and social activities to keep your pup from getting bored or anxious. This can help young pups avoid separation anxiety while they’re away.

What to prepare when bringing your doggy to daycare?

1. Vaccinations and health records

It is crucial to ensure that your dog’s vaccinations are current before taking them to daycare. Core vaccines like rabies, distemper, parvo, and any other vaccines recommended for your location or your dog’s lifestyle should be included. You can request a copy of your dog’s vaccination records from your vet.

A dog visits the vet for a checkup.

2. Identification tags and microchipping

Preparing identification tags and microchipping is crucial when taking your dog to daycare. Proper identification can help reunite you with your dog if they wander off or gets lost. It’s essential to make sure your dog wears a secure identification tag with their name, phone number, and other relevant information like their address or medical conditions visible on their collar or harness.

3. Leash, collar, and harness

Using a leash for your dog when in public places is essential to ensure their safety and control their movements. When picking a leash for daycare, choose one that matches your dog’s size and strength. Using a standard 6-foot leash is often the best choice. Avoid using a retractable leash, as managing your dog in a group can be challenging.

4. Food, treats, and toys

If your dog is staying at daycare for an entire day or longer, please remember to bring enough food and snacks for the entire duration of their stay. Along with the food, provide any essential feeding instructions or medication. It’s recommended to bring your food bowl to ensure that your dog feels comfortable while eating.

Selecting durable and safe toys, such as puzzle toys or Kongs, can be a great technique to keep your dog delighted and engaged while at daycare. Please steer clear of toys with small parts that your dog could chew off and swallow or any toys that pose a choking hazard.

A puppy plays with a chew toy.

5. Medications and special instructions

Talk to the daycare staff about any special needs or medications your dog requires before bringing them in. The team may have specific policies for handling these situations, so it’s essential to be clear about your dog’s needs. If your dog needs medication, pack it in a secure container and give the staff clear instructions on how and when to administer it. A written list of education can be helpful in case of any questions or concerns.

6. Comfort items and bedding

To make your dog feel more comfortable in a new environment, you can pack some comfort items like a blanket or a toy. These things can give your dog a feeling of security and make them less anxious about being away from home. Also, remember to bring some bedding, especially if your dog will be in daycare for a long time. A comfy bed can help prevent joint pain and provide them with a cozy place to nap during the day.

Two puppies just woke up from a nap.

7. Communication with daycare staff.

To make sure your dog is safe and well taken care of at daycare, it’s essential to ask the staff about their experience, training, and safety policies beforehand. After you drop off your dog, communicate any important information or changes to the team, such as medication, dietary restrictions, or behavioral issues. This will help them provide the best care possible for your furry friend.

Puppies can go to doggy daycare, but it’s essential to choose a facility that is appropriate for their age and size, has a separate area for young puppies, and has trained and experienced staff. By researching and taking the necessary precautions, you can provide your puppy with a safe and enjoyable daycare experience that will help them become a well-socialized and happy adult dog.

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