Why Your Teen Is Upsetting You

Living with a tricky teen can be hell. They can be rude and sullen. Your teen probably frequently fails to make eye contact with you or acknowledge that you have spoken to them. To aid this, they have purchased the world’s biggest pair of headphones to drown you out and give them an excuse not to acknowledge you. For most teens, this is their effort, albeit subconscious, at reverse psychology. They want you to try harder to be with them.
Teenager looking out window


Your teenager is never going to make it easy for you to have a close relationship with them. They will make you feel bad every step of the way, and you will naturally want to give up putting yourself in that vulnerable position time and time again. Your emotions are as frail as theirs are, but teenagers have a tough time realizing that. Once the communication channels are open, you still have a long way to go to keep them open and make them more comfortable.

Some children are so fragile at this age, they turn their backs on everyone who may help them, believing they can make a better go of it on their own. They may fall in with a bad crowd or get into some unsavory habits. Everyone needs to fit in somewhere, but teenagers often feel awkward and not themselves wherever they are. This can be quite distressing for them, especially as adults see this behavior as some sort of rebellion.

Why does my teen seem angry at me all the time?

Adjusting to the hormones, emotions, and challenges that come with growing up is no easy task for teens. That’s why it’s important for parents to recognize their kids may appear angry with them at times. It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong; teens just need understanding, patience, and guidance on their path to adulthood. While it is normal for teenagers to pick fights or want to break away from parenting sometimes, try having fun and encouraging learning together in order to keep your relationship strong while they’re navigating their teenage years. Remember as parenting a teenager often means clashing over boundaries and behavior, conflict is inevitable but don’t let it simmer into resentment. Keeping open communication and respecting each other is key – even if it feels like your teen is pushing those boundaries.

What can I do to help my teen feel better?

Find ways to reinforce positive behavior while teaching them constructive techniques for channeling that natural teenage angst into something beneficial. Remember, parenting isn’t easy, but with empathy and patience, you can help your teen find comfort in these most uncertain of times.

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If you are concerned your child really has gone off the rails, you can seek the help of a teen residential treatment center. They can help provide your child with enriching activities. By slotting your teenager into lots of different groups, they will have opportunities to express themselves in lots of different ways. These centers are particularly helpful to those teens whose schooling is failing them. They offer plenty of chances to succeed in other ways and even graduate.

How can I get my teen to communicate with me more?

Enjoying a meal out or playing board games are both great ways to bond, allowing your teen to learn more about you while sharing some laughs. This will go a long way in creating an atmosphere in which your teen feels comfortable enough to start talking.

Unruly teenagers come with the territory when you are a parent, but sometimes your child can become your enemy. You can struggle to remember the reasons why you love them when they can be so mean and hurtful to you and the family. For most, this is just a phase. Your feelings are being crushed by your teen because they need the whole world to feel as confused and upset as they are. But you both love each other unconditionally and always will.

If you need a little help with coping with a teen, there are many support groups. You can also try family counseling, or speaking with the parents of their friends. You need not be alone in these matters. Remind your teenager that they are not alone either because this part of their life is fraught with many changes in relationships that were previously steady. They will continue to feel you are out of touch because, as parents, we are. We are not going through hormonal changes, and we have long forgotten how that made us feel. But we can be on their side.

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