Reclaim More You Time: Finding the Time to Relax When You Have Kids


Did you know that the average mum has just 17 minutes to herself per day? No wonder we feel tired, frazzled,and exhausted. When it comes to raising kids, they are a blessing. But, any mother will agree that they wish they had a little more ‘me’ time. There are some great ways that you can relax. You don’t have to ship the kids off to granny and granddads. Well, of course, you can if you have them close by. But, if you want to maximize some more ‘you’ time, there are some great things you can do in the home.

You don’t have to feel guilty about focusing on you every once in a while. Rather, think of it like this: a happy, stress-free mum has happy, confident kids.


Mom relaxing at the day spa


  1.    Create the Spa Experience at Home

Creating a home spa experience doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Every parent in the world knows that taking a bath alone is a forgotten dream. Suddenly, you are sitting on bath toys and rubber ducks. But, make sure that you take the time to have a bubble bath. Once the kids are in bed, run a hot bath; add bubbles, oils and bath fizzers. Light candles. Sit in the dark. Listen to music. Apply a face pack and soothing eye treatments. Scentsy products have a broad range of products to create an alluring home spa experience. You don’t have to do this every night. But, making sure that you set aside a couple of nights per week for a relaxing bath is an excellent way to de-stress and feels good in the process.

  1.    Leave the Chores, Just For Today

Will the world end if you don’t vacuum the floor? Unlikely! School runs, making lunches and doing a raft of tasks can take its toll on anyone. You don’t have to be Cinderella every day. Pick a day in the week where you omit chores from your routine. Use the time to go to lunch. Catch a movie. Paint your nails. Head to the spa. Sleep! Whatever you want to do, use that time for you. You’ll be happier and more positive, as a result. Plus, the kids will pick up on your jubilant vibes. Ultimately, it will make them more content too.

  1.    Get the Hubby to Pitch In

Let’s face it; our partners can be blind to what we do. Make sure that they are aware of what you do around the home, as well as raising kids. But, don’t be a mummy martyr. Simply ask him to pitch in and do his bit. Even if it’s reading the kids their bedtime story, or giving them a bath. That gives you an extra hour to do what you want. Plus, your partner gets to spend quality time with the children too. Everyone is a winner.

  1.    Exercise

Exercise is a great way to beat stress and feel good. Okay, hitting the gym may not be the most relaxing experience in the world. But, you can feel good by doing so. So, take a walk or jog around the block. Use the time to clear your mind.

Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids


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